Universal Law Of Attraction and The Art of Deliberate Creation -
The Art of Deliberation

Most of the time we happen to attract by “default” and we do not make a deliberate choice. We just sort of go about our daily existence and focus on problems that need solving, or we focus on things that did not seem right or feel good. By doing this, we actually end up creating more problems. For those who are trying to focus on running a home business, this is not so good.
Consider yourself to be like a huge magnet. A magnet does not “try” to attract, it simply does. This is the same for us. Whether we are trying to attract or not, we are doing it all of the time. We happen to attract the likeness of what we are thinking about. If we are thinking about the success of our home business, chances are we will see some degree of success in this area of our lives.
If we happen to be thinking about a certain lack of something, then we will attract more lack or scarcity. If we think about something we love, then we will attract more of what we enjoy and love. This is what the Universal Law of Attraction is all about. It does sound incredibly simple, and it is.
As human beings, we are very powerful attractors. We are able to use this God-given power to attract the things we want in life by simply paying attention to where we put our thoughts and desires. Most of the time we believe we are thinking with our mind when most of the time it is from the heart. This is where we do our believing, thinking, and our “vibrating”.
Therefore, we attract from our heart. Think of your heart as a very powerful magnet. It is the “vibrator” that attracts all signals.
The Art of Deliberation consists of three main parts:
1. You are able to get a very clear picture of what it is that you want.
2. You must raise your vibration until it matches what you want.
3. You allow what you want to come to you.
We are given the chance to gain clarity to know exactly what we want by using the many “contrasts” that life has to offer to us. How can we use contrast as it relates to a home business? We must observe it briefly, and then use it to help you make the decision as to what you want to do. This is an art that takes some practice as we have the habit of talking about, telling others about, and focusing on that which we do not like. We must change these negative contrasts into positive vibrations in order to be successful in our home business.